BlindspotsLeading Your Team and Ministry to Full Funding

By Scott Morton

Are you missing a hidden responsibility in your leadership?

As with driving a car, if you don't pay attention to your blind spots in leadership, you’ll likely have some accidents. Similarly, if you don’t address fundraising with your staff you will bypass their personal felt needs—and you’ll have some accidents.

But we're not without guidance! The Bible has plenty to say about fundraising and leadership, and this book explores six biblical leaders who faced the same fundraising-leadership issues confronting you today. So fasten your seatbelt!

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What You'll Learn

Blindspots will help you identify areas where blind spots may occur for a team that raises personal support:

  • You: Blind Spots in Your Personal Outlook
  • Your Team: Blind Spots as You Lead Others
  • Your Strategies: Blind Spots in Your Fundraising Practices
  • Your Organization: Blind Spots in Your Organizational Structure and Systems
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The God Ask

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