Supplemental Activity: Prayer CardsOne Big Vision

By Via Families

Print, cut out, and fold free prayer cards to familiarize yourself with the people in God’s world, and how to pray for them.

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About the Author
Via's family team is dedicated to helping everyday families find their role in God's story among the nation. They are passionate about walking alongside parents as they disciple their children and believe that every believer - even the youngest - has a part to play in God's mission.
Supplemental Resource: World Map

Explore the world in a new light. Print out a world map to follow along with activities in all three books.

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Supplemental Activity: Coloring Pages

Print copies of all 15 coloring pages so everyone can color together as they follow along and learn about each people group.

One Big Vision

With stories and coloring pages, your kids can step into the daily lives of children from different people groups. Learn about their culture, what they believe, and how to pray for them. Reflect on

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